Monday, October 3, 2011

How to pick the right Keywords for your Website?

 By now, even the most naive species who has ever hit the internet knows about Search Engines… the Google, Yahoo, MSN’s…that throw up gazillions of options every time you fuel them with search words. When you punch a few words on a Search Engine, it scowls the net for those words or phrases. If a website’s keywords match the search query, the site is picked up by the engine. If not, it will be left to itself. From a business standpoint, it is absolutely crucial that your website is up before a user who associates to your services. That is the root of Search Engine Optimization
Hence it boils down to the choice of keywords, and how to get to the right ones. Here is how:
1. Analyze your business, services, products and not to forget…your target audience
Before putting your heads anywhere else, take stock of your business and the deliverables involved. Based on this, list down the most important words or phrases you think a user will use to associate to your business. Now swap perspectives. Think like a user and list the possible keywords that you think a user is most likely to use. Add them to the list them too.
2. Filter out There is no dearth of good keyword tools; WordtrackerGoogle AdwordsKeyword Discovery to name a few. Some of them are free while a few may be charged for. Enter your words up there and see what kind of results you get. Are they relevant, and lead up to your business? Keep the words that do, drop the ones’ that may veer users off to some other direction. There will be many keyword variations that these tools will show up not matching your keywords word for word; don’t bother much as long as it ahs business relevance and user utility, it should be on your site.
3. Don’t fall for the Mighty- The tools will point out many keywords that show tremendous search results. No doubt they are major traffic-getter and are the most searched on the net, but these are the words that face the stiffest competitions amongst websites. The best way out: go for keywords and phrases that may not top the listings but cater to more specific and definitive searches. For example, if you search for “hotels in Saratoga” you end up with 5,060,000 results on hand. Now rephrase your search to “budget hotels in Saratoga” (902,000 results) or “low-cost hotels in Saratoga” (194,000 results) you cut down the search results drastically. Here your website stands a much better chance of coming across a user than if you would have “hotels in Saratgoa” as your keyword.
4. Put your keyword through its paces So the meal is finally ready? But just before you plate-up, it’s time for the final test. Look at each keyword, phrase, and open your mind’s eye to visualize if your clients will at a certain point look up for what you have listed down. Think about all aspects of your clients: what are their specific requirements, would they have any preferences and so on. Now link your keyword to these queries. Do they match up? If yes, great job! If not, time to hit the drawing board again.
Article Source: BeeshmanSr. SEO-Executive with Softwaredevelopersindia. Have any queries,or want your website to rank of specific keywords, mail to

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